The price you pay for auto insurance can vary by hundreds of dollars, depending on what type of car you have, where you live and how much coverage you need.
USAA offers the following special savings:
- Active-duty military status: We reflect your active-duty military status and rank in your premiums.
- USAA loyalty: We'll reward you with additional savings for ongoing auto coverage with USAA.1
- Multiple products: Owning multiple USAA products can mean savings on your auto insurance.2
- My USAA legacy discount: Members under 25 years old whose parents have had USAA auto insurance can save up to 10% on their policy.3
There are many ways to save on insurance, but make sure you don't cut too many corners. The appropriate policy can potentially save you plenty of money should you face liability for an accident. "In most states, having auto insurance is the law, but, from a practical standpoint, you have insurance to limit the financial damage when something bad happens," says JJ Montanaro, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM with USAA.
The minimum liability requirements mandated by each state may not cover personal injury claims or claims resulting from damage done to other's vehicles or property. Don't get such a bare-bones policy that you put your financial assets at risk. You're basically spending money to prevent a financial catastrophe, so don't skimp.
That said, check out these money-saving tips from the Insurance Information Institute.
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